Brown, Ben

Ben Brown is a writer for theatre, film, and television who grew up in North London. His background is part Jewish, part aristocratic. Brown’s first original play, All Things Considered (1997), is a black comedy about philosophy and suicide. It premiered at Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough and Hampstead Theatre, London and continued to be produced in Australia, Germany, and France. Larkin With Women (1999), a play about Philip Larkin and his complex private life, won the TMA Best New Play Award. Brown’s play The Promise (2010) focuses on the Balfour Declaration and explores one of the fundamental roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Amongst Brown’s latest plays, Three Days in May (2011) stages Winston Churchill’s decision to go to war and won Brown the Whatsonstage Best New Play Award. A Splinter of Ice (2020) is a play based on the meeting of spy Kim Philby and author Graham Greene in 1987 in Moscow.


—. All Things Considered. London: Samuel French, 1997.

—. Larkin With Women. London: Faber and Faber, 1999.

—. The Promise. London: Faber and Faber, 2010.

—. Three Days in May. London: Faber and Faber, 2011.

—. A Splinter of Ice. (2020)